Mako's Blog


MustとHave to の違い


BBC World Service | Learning English | The Flatmates - Episode 62




Alice:     Well... the chocolate cake looks very tempting.

Paul:      Then you must try some. And we must do this again. I've really enjoyed your company today. Alice, would you be able to join me for dinner next Saturday?

Alice:     Oh Paul, I'd love to, but I have to work a night shift next weekend.

mustとhave toについてはいろいろと日本語でよく説明されています。ここでの英語での説明がわかりやすいので貼り付けます。


Must is often used to express obligations that the speaker feels are necessary. For example, when Paul says: 'you must try some' and 'we must do this again', he is expressing his own personal view about what is necessary.

Have to is often used to express obligations which come from an external source: another person or organisation has made a rule that we are required to follow. So when Alice says: 'I have to work a night shift next weekend' she is talking about an obligation that has been given to her by her employer.

一言でいうとmustは主観的な気持ち、have to は客観的な状況を言う場合に使うと覚えておくといいでしょう。


こちらのサイトでは各ユニットにLanguage Pointというのがあって英語で説明してくれています。私たちが学校で習う日本語での説明とはまた一味違い勉強になります。